Friday, April 17, 2009

Talkative? or better silent?

Sometimes is it good to be talkative or silent? I start to realize that i'm quite silent... i really depends on what type of people i'm talking to, the topic, the point is i'm quite choosy.

Stay quite, less risk... less margin or error, less friends, less everything..
talkative, risky? for those who dunno how to talk properly, more friends, more everything..

well anyonw who knows me... am i talkative or kinda quiet? trying to get back the old me..


  1. Dont have to act according to what ppl want.
    Friends are those who still be with you although they have seen you through. (=
    Still love your presence Peter! :D

  2. thanks yee lin.. trying to get through a barrier that seperates me from others... the language barrier...

    friends are like yee lin.. haha ^^
